Friday, May 29, 2009


We just went to go visit Easton fo the last time in NICU. The docotr finally got the EKG results and everything looks great. We are so excited to have our first night with him. We should be getting to go home around noon. We are in room 465 at Texas Women's if anyone would like to come visit. Thank you again for your continued thoughts and prayers.

The Big Update

We were so excited yesterday when they brought him to our room for the first time since he was delivered. Peter just took him out of the hospital bassinet and the nurse walked in and looked at him and said, I don't like his color. She grabbed Easton so fast, Peter and I had no time to even process what happened. He lost his color and his heartbeat went down. We were already tired from being up all night and me having a 20 hour delivery and we still had not went to bed when they brought him to us. Easton spent his birthday in the NICU leaving us very emotional. We didn't sleep for two nights and have been exhausted. At midnight our NICU nurse told us to get some rest, she would take care of Easton all night. We slept from 1 to 5:30 and that is all we have slept since Tuesday night. We woke up this morning and the nurse said Easton was doing much better. We are so ready to be able to hold him, and to have our friends and family meet him. He has been hooked up to machines and has lots of wires on his little body. We are waiting on his heart results from Texas Childrens Hospital. We hope to have him in our room if everything goes well by 4 or 5 this afternoon. We would LOVE visitors as soon as we get him. No one has got to see him except for Peter and I. So this is why we havn't been able to post pics or videos because he has been in the NICU the first day of his life. We appreciate all of your thoughts, concerns, prayers, and love. I will be posting again later this afternoon.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Beautiful Traci the day of delivery and our good looking son Easton ( who had to make a pit stop at NICU). They are both doing great now.

Happy Birthday Easton

WOW!!! I am so glad this is over with. I am so tired and have been up for over 24 hrs now. I was in labor for 20 hours. I stayed at 9cm for 4 hours. The docotor said I would deliver by 1:30am but he came at 4:55am. He is 7lbs and 4ounces 20 inches long. I really think he looks just like my father in law. He is so cute. We both are very healthy and happy. I am going to go get some rest. We are so glad our bundle of joy has arrived!

stuck at 9

It is 2:50am. I have been in labor 17 and a half hours. I have been a nine for a while. I will be checked at 3 and we hope I am a 10. I am so tired, but we are both doing good. Thanks for checking our blog. Hopefully pics will be up soon.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


They just checked Traci again and she's jumped from a 7 to a 9.....It looks like around 1am or so....She s still doing great. She's gotten the shakes from the epidural, everything else looks great.

11:30pm Update

They checked Traci at 11am and she was up to a 7. She is doing great, baby's heart rate has dropped a few times but overall mom and baby are doing great. Traci has been wonderful throughout the time.We'll update after they check her again.

Half Way There!

It is 8:45 and I am dilated to 5. His heart rate has dropped a few times, but baby and I are doing good. Please pray that we stay safe and healthy. We love you guys, and thanks for your concerns, thoughts, and prayers.

He's Coming

This morning around 9:30am Traci started feeling her contractions get stronger. Around 11:45am she called the doctor and the doctor had her come into Labor and Delivery. After monitoring her for an hour or so, the doctor broke Traci's water and started her on medicine to get the contractions going. It's about 4:30pm and Traci is feeling OK. We'll post again later but they are estimating around 11pm.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Waiting Game

We had a doctors appt on Thursday. It as good as it could go I guess. I am 1cm dialated (been a 1 for a month) and I am 60% effaced. The doctor said I would not make any more progress until I go into labor. She is leaving to go out of town May 30-June 6. If I have not had Easton by the time she returns back from vacation, she will admit me into the hospital lte Sunday, June 7, and she will put me on pitocin the morning of June 8. So we are just waiting patiently everyday for him to make his arrival. I cross my fingers that he comes on his own and I don't have to be induced for my sake, and his. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Old Wives' Tales

So I have decided there is not much I can do to entertain myself at 39 weeks pregnant! I am all about trying the Old Wives' Tales to give me something to do. So here is what I have tried so far........Thursday night Peter and I went to eat chinese food, Friday night I ate the most spiciest enchilidas with Peter and my mother in law. This morning Peter and I went walking for an hour. I ate more spicy mexican food for breakfast. (haha) I have been doing squats in the breakfast room today. I think I will go get a pedicure and let the girl massage all of my pressure points. We are going swimming today around 2 and I am going to jog and jump up and down in the pool. Is it sad this is how I am entertaining myself these days?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

False Alarm

Today just wasn't my day. I was at work with my students when the worst pain hit me. I made a phone call to my Doctor to describe the pain. She told me to come in immediately. Peter picked me up from school and we were well on our way. We were both excited thinking "Is this it." I was crying and in some pain. After the doctor checking me out she said I am having baby baby contractions along with some other things I am going through. She said to go home and get off my feet and stopping work would be a good idea. So now I am just continuing to play the "WAITING GAME."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


One of Traci's friends painted her tummy for Easter!!!
Two weeks to go and Traci still looks great. She doesn't feel too great but we can't wait to meet him.

His room is ready ......all we're waiting on is him.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Two and a Half Weeks to Go

Easton's due date is May 26, 2009. We had our weekly doctor's visit today and everything is looking good. We'll be uploading pics and videos soon so everyone can keep up.