Thursday, May 28, 2009

stuck at 9

It is 2:50am. I have been in labor 17 and a half hours. I have been a nine for a while. I will be checked at 3 and we hope I am a 10. I am so tired, but we are both doing good. Thanks for checking our blog. Hopefully pics will be up soon.

1 comment:

  1. I found this on my friend's blog and thought you'd enjoy it:

    "Dear Baby, I am hereby issuing a notice of eviction. Please gather your belongings and promptly vacate the premises. You are being evicted due to breech of contract and destruction of private property. Expansions only to the front of the property were discussed. Not only have these limits been exceeded but expansion to the back were also made! Remodeling and gutting of the home were never approved. And due to property damage there are now several leaks in the upper and lower levels of the home. In addition the land lord has received numerous complaints of night time disturbances. Thank you for your cooperation--now get out!

    Love Mommy"
